
What document would an archivist save from a zombie attack? Find out this month as we profile our archivists at the Presidential libraries for American Archives Month.

Today’s featured archivist is Matthew Schaefer, outreach archivist for the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum. What documents would Schaefer grab in the face of a zombie?

“If slow zombies were shuffling across the prairie toward the Hoover Library, I’d get the key to our specially protected records storage area [two minutes forty seconds], grab the reading copy of Hoover’s inaugural address [forty-five seconds], lace-up my Asics, and head north over the creek [one minute].

If fast zombies threatened, I’d grab oversize album 19, the photographic record of the Hoover Dam. While its 18-pound heft would slow my escape, it might prove useful as a bludgeon or shield.”

Read more about Matthew Schaefer and the work he does here: