
Oxford DNB biography podcast: The Unknown Warrior (d.1914?), an unidentified British soldier of the First World War, buried in Westminster Abbey, London.

‘On armistice day, 11 November 1920, draped with a union flag, the coffin of the Unknown Warrior was placed on a gun carriage at Victoria Station and, attended by admirals, field marshals, and generals, processed through immense and silent crowds to the new Cenotaph in Whitehall. The king, as chief mourner, placed a wreath on the coffin.’

The story of the Unknown Warrior is one of 190 episodes available from the Oxford DNB’s biography podcast archive: new episodes are released every second Wednesday. Receive a daily life by email, or follow the ODNB on Twitter.

Image credit:The Unknown Warrior at Westminster Abbey, London, 7 November 1920, via Wikimedia Commons.