Search for New OHR Editorial Team

From the Editors

Maybe you already heard the news…. the current editorial team of Abby, Dave, and Janneken is coming up on the end of their second term at the helm of Oral History Review. Although it has been a rewarding experience—one in which we have had the privilege of working with so many outstanding authors who individually and collectively have advanced the study of the methods and theory of oral history practice and interpretation—at the end of 2023 it will be time to pass the reigns to a new editorial team. Maybe that is you?

Our parent organization, the Oral History Association, is actively accepting letters of interest from individuals and teams interested in exploring this opportunity through December 15. Please read about the full opportunity and feel free to contact us with any questions about the journal. 

In the short term, OHR also seeks an experienced copy and production editor to help us through the final stages of  publishing each issue. Experience working with oral history scholarship preferred, along with the knowledge of production mark-up. The copy editor receives a stipend from the Oral History Association. Let us know if you’d like to learn more. We are grateful for all the contributions our current copy editor, Elinor Mazé, has made to the success and quality of the journal.