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pbsthisdayinhistory: January 15, 1929 : Martin Luther King Jr. is Born On this day in 1929, Martln Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia. Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.’s contributions to civil rights and equality from the PBS Black Culture Connection: Photo: 1964 portrait of Martin Luther King Jr. (Library of Congress)

pbsthisdayinhistory: November 11, 1918: World War I Ends On this day in 1918, World War I ended after Germany signed an armistice agreement with the Allies in a railroad car in Compiegne, France.  Known as the Great War due to its unprecedented nature, the international conflict began after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir […]

The Little Rock Nine

uncoralhistory: Today is the 56th anniversary of the Little Rock Nine — the brave high school students who desegregated Arkansas schools in 1957. Though Brown vs. Board of Education mandated that schools be desegregated, Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus prevented the students from attending Little Rock Central High School until President Dwight Eisenhower intervened and sent National Guard […]

Julian Bond and the 1963 March on Washington

uncoralhistory: “We believed very strongly in our position that the Kennedy civil rights bill was not adequate, that it was weak and that the Democratic and Republican parties were too much alike and neither one of them as strong for civil rights as they should have been. We were fearful that the march would turn […]

Oral History Review
